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Dec 6, 2023

Updated: Feb 5

Born to Trust, Trained to Doubt

This world purposes to teach us to doubt what God says. To not take Him at his word, and to instead put a different meaning to it, or reject it altogether. This world trains us from birth to trust in human devices; government, doctors, money, and any number of other things.

But we were born to trust God.

Even before we were born, He created us to be fully one with Him in our hearts. Through everything, He is there, holding out a hand to us, waiting for us to trust Him. He is more than simply love. He is truth. He is dependable. He is strong enough. And He loves us, and loves for us to trust what He says.

Don’t wait to shut off the noise around you that this world causes to distract you and make you doubt what God says. Don’t wait until you feel like you can. Trust is not a feeling; it is a choice. You can choose to trust Him now. Look at all the things He has done in the past. Not one promise has been forgotten. All that He has said He would do, He has done. He will not fail now. He is trustworthy in this crazy world. “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But let him trust, and not doubt, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed in the wind.” ~James 1: 5-6. God is the anchor in the storm. Hold tightly to Him, and you will not be like that wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. He is a rock to stand on, and when He is on your side, holding you tight, nothing can stand against you.

- Ava Case (2023 Camp Wakonda Staff), Dayton, Ohio

Wisconsin Youth Updates

Various Upcoming Events

  • We'll have the signup ready soon for WinterFestaPalooza, our annual ski retreat for youth and young adults at Camp Wakonda and Cascade Mountain, which is January 12-15. Our speaker is Pastor Josant Barrientos, the new Youth Director for Illinois Conference of SDA.

  • Those in 7th-10th grade won't want to miss our Youth Rally at Wisconsin Academy, Saturday, January 20. The theme is "Revive," and our speaker is Pastor Nikolai Greaves. Stay overnight until Sunday to tour the campus for Academy Day. You'll get to know the teachers and deans, receive scholarships, and observe and participate in classes. Price is $25/person and includes lunch and supper. Register by Dec 31 to receive a shirt.

  • Don't forget: Men's Retreat 2024 is coming soon as well! The event is January 26-28 and our speaker, James Hopkins IV, is preaching on the theme The Measure of a Man. Men from all over, young and old, are invited to come and bond in Christian brotherhood.

  • Summer Camp recruiting season is coming up soon! Here's a tentative view of where and when Pastor Zack and the fam will be for recruiting

    • Wisconsin Academy, Jan 8-12

    • Pacific Union College, Jan 15-17

    • Andrews University, Jan 22-25

    • Southern Adventist University, Jan 29-Feb 2

    • Union College (soon: University), Feb 5-8

    • Wisconsin Adventist Schools, March 11-15

Club Ministries Upcoming Events:

  • Feb 3: Area PBE

  • Feb 9-11: Pathfinder Winter Retreat

  • Feb 16-18: LUC Youth Congress

  • Mar 2: Conference PBE (Location TBD)

  • Mar 11: Gillette Tour

  • Mar 16: Global Youth Day

  • Mar 30: Union PBE (NOTE: This date changed from the 16th)

  • Apr 19-20: National PBE, Gillette, WY

  • Apr 22: Gillette Tour

  • Apr 27: Adventurer Fun Day

  • May 10-12: Pathfinder Fair

  • May 20: Gillette Tour

Contact our Coordinators:

Adventurers, Allison Payne:

Pathfinders, Glen Morrow:

Master Guide, Cristofe Guzman:

*SIGN UP for BTP International Camporee newsletter:

Public Campus Ministries If you are interested in starting a public campus ministry (ACF chapter), or you would like more information about how to get involved with an existing campus ministry in your area, please contact our coordinator (see below) Our annual ACF retreat, "Revive," was a great success! The students who participated represented a presence on five different campuses, and that's not including the group from Milwaukee, who were unable to make it. Our presence is growing across Wisconsin's public campuses. We're excited to see how God will continue to grow this ministry in the future.

Contact our PCM Coordinator, Joshua Guerrero: Summer Camp The official 2024 Youth Calendar has been published. That means we have dates for next year's Summer Camp! You can view the calendar with those dates HERE!

Lake Union News & Beyond

  • Feb 16-18, 2024: Lake Union Congress Youth Congress, Chicago, IL

    • Come learn best practices in youth evangelism and pitch your own ideas for local ministry you'd like to do in your area. There is $50,000 available to help young people like you see your visions become reality. More info HERE

  • Aug 5-11, 2024: Believe the Promise International Camporee, Gillette, WY

    • Camp Wakonda staff are planning to head to Wyoming after the 2024 Summer Camp season, to help set up and run the International Camporee. The official dates for this are July 29-August 14. More info HERE.

Update in Pictures

The Watertown Hispanic SDA Church welcomed Pathfinders as members through baptism. Pastor Zack and the family, as well as the Ziesmers and the Minett are headed to AACP for meetings with other camping professionals from around the country. Don't miss out on Wisconsin Academy's Christmas Concert, coming up this December 16th!

Get Involved!

Looking for ways to support Youth Evangelism in Wisconsin? Get involved! Contact Pastor Zack to find out how:

Even better, send him a text at 920-609-0483.

Thank you for reading this week’s #WakondaWednesday!

You are set apart! You are Wakonda! 1 Peter 2:9-10

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