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Wisconsin Conference Pathfinder Sabbath/PBE

Writer: PZPZ

Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE) is a wildly popular endeavor every year, all over the world. Here in Wisconsin, it is no different. PBE teams from around the state get together in their local areas (Southeast, Northeast, Central, Northwest), the first Sabbath of February, to test their knowledge of whatever Bible books are on the docket. This year, the books are Romans and 1 Corinthians. The first Sabbath of March, however, is our Wisconsin Conference-level event, where the best teams from across Wisconsin come together to test their knowledge in a larger group.

For the past couple of years, we have been holding this event at Wisconsin Academy, and it's been working well as a meeting spot. This year, we wanted to up the ante: while PBE always takes place in the afternoon (around 3:00 pm), we wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to have so many Pathfinders in one place and have a special Wisconsin Conference-wide Pathfinder Sabbath. So we started working together with the local church to make that a reality. The result was an awesome and high Sabbath, where young people led nearly every aspect of the service, including the preaching.

After announcements, the service began with Pastor Zack and a team of Pathfinders from Wisconsin Academy Voyageurs and Watertown Sentinels singing youthful songs of praise. After the spirited praise sing (complete with motions, standing, and lots of smiles), they led in the Pathfinder pledge and law and Pathfinder Song, before moving onto the next part of the program.

For offering, scripture reading, prayer, and special music, Pathfinders from Green Bay Pioneers, Wisconsin Academy Voyageurs, and Fox Valley Eagles led out. It was an awesome testament to the multi-cultural nature of youth ministries worldwide, and even here in Wisconsin. A highlight was hearing prayers in three different languages within one club: Fox Valley. However, all participants in these elements brought a care and excellence in how they presented themselves and God's Word to the congregation. Pastor Zack then gave a children's story that focused on how God has a calling for each young person in the congregation, and how He is leading them toward that even as young people.

The main focal point of the service was the sermon time, in which three young people preached short messages that God had placed on their hearts. Ellie Fetrick, from Wisconsin Academy Voyageurs, preached a message called "The Unclear Path, and Taking the Long Way," based around Proverbs 16:9. Corin Bacchus, from Watertown Sentinels, preached a message called "Prayer: A Little Thing?" based on 1 Peter 5:8. Ezra Jean-Baptiste (who is still an Adventurer), from Green Bay Pilgrims, preached a messaged called "The Power of God," based on 1 Corinthians 1:18. Each of these young preachers took the assignment seriously and did an excellent job of mixing engaging storytelling, unpacking of scripture, and even a little humor to connect with the audience.

After the service, Pathfinders and parishioners took a break for lunch (some in the school cafeteria, some at various potlucks, and some at home). All came back together around 2:00 pm for setup, inspection, and preparation for the official event. We had eleven teams participate, and they did an excellent job. We pray that, regardless of placement or advancement, God will continue to move them and inspire them with the scripture they stored in their hearts and minds in preparation of this event.

Below this paragraph are the placements for our 2025 Wisconsin Conference-level teams. First place alone will advance to the Union-level event in Berrien Springs (March 29). After this list, please enjoy a variety of pictures from the PBE event. Before I close, I want to say thank you to Wisconsin Academy and Wisconsin Academy Church for hosting and working with our group to make this an excellent Sabbath from morning to evening. Thank you to the cafeteria crew for providing an excellent lunch to many of our clubs. Thank you to our judges (Pastor Titus Naftanaila, Principal Derek Timms, and Area Coordinator Anayancy Hopkins) for taking the time to field questions from our various teams. Thank you to our Area Coordinators for being an awesome help for making this event happen smoothly. Thank you to our leaders who volunteered to help read questions in Spanish, so that we could provide a smooth event for ESL pathfinders. Thank you to Steve Mertins for working with the runners and graders that assisted each team. Thank you to Pastor Eric Jean-Baptiste for leading out the inspection process. Thank you to my wife, Allison, for helping take pictures of the event. Thank you to all the club leaders, parents, PBE coaches, and others who have helped our young people get this far. Thank you to our Pathfinders who participated: because of your commitment, you have bettered yourselves in scriptural knowledge and ability to help others know the Bible better. Finally, thanks be to God for traveling mercies, for raising up an excellent generation of young leaders for Christ, and for continuing to strengthen our network of young leaders and youth leaders in Wisconsin. It's amazing to see Him as He blesses immensely in our Conference work.

Teams & Placements

  • Chippewa Valley Almighty Lightning: Third Place

  • Chippewa Valley Lightning Team B: Third Place

  • Fox Valley Eagles Team A: Third Place

  • Fox Valley Eagles Team B: Third Place

  • Green Bay Pioneers: Third Place

  • Maranatha White Lions: Third Place

  • Watertown Sentinels Team A: First Place (Advances)

  • Watertown Sentinels Team B: First Place (Advances)

  • Wisconsin Academy Voyageurs: First Place (Advances)

  • Waukesha Warriors Team B: Third Place

  • Waukesha Warriors Team A: Third Place




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